Critical thinking

Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you. My Grampa was always “picking your brain” when I was young. I hated this little exercise in reasoning at the time, but as an adult, I have come to realize how important those lessons were. He would sit down at the table with you,Continue reading “Critical thinking”

Thinking Out Loud: Crazy Crafting

I’ve been thinking about fun ideas for a few days now. On my January 2 post, I talked about setting a goal for fun. A suggestion that was presented involved a comedic crazy crafter. The suggestion was more about writing a fictional account. There are a couple of obstacles in that notion. First, the writingContinue reading “Thinking Out Loud: Crazy Crafting”

“You can’t hate yourself into improving.”

I came across this video in my YouTube feed this morning. I think she has a unique perspective on self improvement that many of us need to think about. It’s worth a listen. I mentioned, the other day, I wanted to set up some goals for this year, and that I was thinking about aContinue reading ““You can’t hate yourself into improving.””

Happy Sunday

I hope everyone had a lovely Sunday.  I’ve been working my fingers off trying to get stuff done today. I finished the whole front side of the rocketship pillow I’m making for one of our grandsons. At the end of that session, I needed a break from single crochet stitches, so I learned the PistachioContinue reading “Happy Sunday”

Where do the hours go?

It’s Thursday night already! I have worked a solid eight hours on crochet today. I got a lot of work done on the projects I have going, but that’s all I did today. I was working so diligently, I didn’t even notice the time passing. I am finding it hard to believe the amount ofContinue reading “Where do the hours go?”

Thursday’s Thoughts

Hello friends. Happy Thursday. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. I am feeling much better than I was last night, but not looking forward to an early morning grandkids day tomorrow. I thought I would spend some time brainstorming with you tonight. I mentioned Monday that it’s time to startContinue reading “Thursday’s Thoughts”

It’s a new week!

Happy Monday, friends! It’s a new week, and the first Monday of December. I hope all is going well in your neck of the woods. We had a good weekend, but it’s time to get back to business. We only have one grandkids day this week. I hope to finish the presents I have startedContinue reading “It’s a new week!”

What’s the reasoning?

Do you or your family make any special dishes for the holidays? After reading this question, I thought, “Yes, it seems most everyone has special dishes that are only prepared for special occasions.” Then I began to think about it further and I stumbled upon the question of why. My mother-in-law makes cooked dressing onContinue reading “What’s the reasoning?”

It’s Monday again!

Hello friends. I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend. We made it to the beginning of a new week, and for those of us we made it through the first of the holiday season. Last week I was feeling the old anxieties the holidays always brought when I was a child. This morning I spentContinue reading “It’s Monday again!”

Monday’s Musings

Happy Monday friends! This is Thanksgiving week in the United States. Normally on Monday, I try to get some goals set for the coming week, but this week is going to be all over the place. I’m just going to let it happen as it comes. Today we went to lunch with Brad’s mom andContinue reading “Monday’s Musings”

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